Him: Mum, how about I show you a Warhammer battle report?
Me: How about you bring home an A for something first?
Him: How about I give you two hats?
Me: No.

Warhammer 40K. It’s a recent hobby our boy has plunged into headfirst. He’s been enjoying everything about it. The real-time “battles”. The lore around each unit. Making and painstakingly painting each troop.

For people who don’t know a thing about Warhammer 40K, it’s ok. I had no clue before I started as well.

It’s a tabletop game — kind of like RISK, only more complicated and demanding. You throw dice to wound or repel an attack. And the army with the most points at the end of 4 to 6 turns wins the battle.

In this grim darkness of the far future, there is only war. From sticks and stones, ants and Pokémon, our son’s interest has now evolved to blood, guts and gore.

I was hoping to harness his interest in the new game to encourage him to get better grades at school. In my mind, I thought it was a brilliant idea. Pure genius. I’d agree to watch 40-minute long battle reports to celebrate every A he brought home.

We always believed our son to be an average student. He has vast general knowledge, but none of that translated into brilliant marks. I thought at best he’d apply himself and get Bs and I’d be safe.

That was until:

Him: Guess what. I got an A for my geography test.
Me: Oh no…
Him: Yep. You now have to watch a Warhammer battle report with me.

It was an ordinary day. I asked our boy about school expecting the usual “It was fine”. But on 21 October 2020, my life changed. I could tell he was in a good mood by the huge grin he had on his face as he came through the door.

He showed me the test result. And that was that. I had to sit through a battle report, because I was an idiot and promised him I’d do so.

That afternoon:

Him: You’re getting into this aren’t you?
Me: Son, I am watching this because I love you. If there ever comes a time you doubt my love for you, I hope you remember this moment.
Him: Awww. Thanks mum.

So that’s how it started. Our son’s first A. In a geography test. I was now hoping it was a lucky break. But no. A few weeks later:

Me: How was your day at school?
Him: I had a great day! Not a meh day. A great day.
Me: Oh?
Him: Yep. I got an A-plus for my Religious Studies assessment.
Me: Oh no…
Him: Yep. So we’re watching another battle report. 5:30pm today ok for you?

I guess it had to be. So I sat through another 40 minutes of surprisingly nice guys, rolling dice and blasting troops off various terrain. One player even made pew-pew noises as he advanced. It made me smile.

Just between you, me and the internet, the actual battle wasn’t too bad either.

Then he came home with his school report. For the first time in our lives, his father and I saw three As sprinkled through a sea of Bs and a couple of Cs.

We were proud of him. But my heart sank at the same time. Me and my stupid promises. Our boy gave me a grin that stretched across the room.

These days he is more strategic about the games he shows me. He knows how hard he has to work for As and doesn’t want to waste it on ordinary battle reports.

He showed me a recent battle report between the Adeptus Mechanicus and the forces of Chaos. It was a nail biter with the Adeptus Mechanicus just hanging on until the end of the turns. It wasn’t as dull as I anticipated, even though I’ve yet to understand the rules of the game.

Our boy asked recently about my favourite faction.

Easy. It would have to be the battle nuns, the Adepta Sororitas. They look so bad-ass. And they have a giant tank organ. Imagine a gigantic cathedral organ barrelling over your enemies. So cool.

“Mum, they’re a faction that’s a little difficult to play when you’re just starting out.”

“Doesn’t matter. I’ll learn.”


18 responses to “A Grim Dark Universe”

  1. Ha! This made me laugh. I love this! One of my guys got a new game for Christmas, which I’ve played with him once and somehow won–I’m sure that will never happen again. Your nun faction sounds fantastic! And isn’t it amazing how our kids help us to open our eyes to new things (even blood and gore!). I was never a fan of fantasy books or games–or graphic novels–but the kids opened me up to them.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay! Here’s to mums winning games! My most heartfelt congratulations to you. I have yet to play this against our boy. We’re just in the building our armies phase. But he is looking forward to playing it soon! It is amazing how our children exposes us to their interests. I never knew battles and gore would be in my future.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Haha! I loved the “Oh no!” Could *almost* see that coming!! But not quite…

    Looks like something my husband would enjoy. I have no kids. Oh wait…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I always played the games my boys were into. Even once my son started playing Halo on line. I am so glad I did. I was able to stay involved with what he was interested in and met all of his online friends. I love a good strategy game. I also love how he creates the figurines himself.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Wow! Even Halo! Awesome work Regina. 😁

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Even Halo. One of my finest moments was beating my son by finding out where on the map his spawn point was. I would wait quietly with my Grav Hammer and WHOMP! He would die. I would wait. He would respawn. WHOMP!! Lather, rinse, repeat!! hahaha!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahaha! That’s excellent!


  4. Each child is so unique, we simply need to find out how to inspire them. The tooth fairy never got far in our house. Eagle said, “My teeth are not for sale!” Well done on discovering what motivates your kid!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “My teeth are not for sale!” That’s brilliant! I was being a bit opportunistic I think. Wasn’t sure it would work, but gave it a go. Don’t tell our boy, but I’m enjoying the time we spend together.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. To me it sounds like an important turning point and the reward is very clever. Glad you are enjoying it. Minecraft is a big motivator in our household, now that they’ve got it. Will do chores for extra time… : )

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Fantastic! 👏👏👏

        Liked by 1 person

  5. What a great story! I laughed out loud and had to tell my husband about it. Kids are a marvel!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Heh. Thank you Vonetta! Kids are indeed the best. I just wish I knew the rules of this game so I could understand what I’m watching!


  6. Just made me smile. I had to go look up the tank… awesome! There’s one with a stained-glass window shield as well. I think you picked a good faction. (ツ)b

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello LT! Oh cool. Would love to build and paint that. 😁

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Haha that’s a great story ..may he continue to bring you delight and love always

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Alison 😁

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